For these days I learned so much things,like How to manage a classroom ?What makes a great teacher? How to teach vocabulary? And so on......
I will talk about the games,I learned so much games ,I think it’s very useful and children can have a lot of fun in the class.
How can we choose the game ?When we choose the games for your children we need to according to their age.If the game is really difficult and the kids can not understand ,and also if you choose the game is very easy for them ,they will feel really boring.So we should make sure all of your students are involved and interested.
A game should give students a chance to learn ,Practice,or review specific language material.
So I think games are very important in our class ,motivate our student to speak out,even though some students shy ,
Games are fun!
we can though games children experience and discover.
we can thought games they gonna learn English the way they learn their mother tongue.
Language learning will not be the key motivation factor.Games can provide this stimulus .
Even shy student can participate positively.
Establish the spirit of teamwork.
We can choose two-three game in our class ,and students will be have fun here.
We also have two Golden Rules here :
Do what I say .Say what I say.
Do opposite I say.
Do opposite I do.
Here are some games:
1.Touching Game
2.Musical Drum
3.Hitting Monster
4.Big Wind Blows
5.Lucky Ball Game
6.Jumping to the Flashcards
7.Back to Back
9.Game Squatting
10.Though the Dice
We can use these game in our class,and also we can make some new games based on these game .
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ADDRESS:ROOMB605606,Hai Ge GUO Ji Da Sha, Xuan Wu Men Wai Street., Beijing .CHINA